Thursday, August 28, 2008

Letter D

This first week of preschool I was a little unprepared. I don't think my little guy noticed. Because of Thanksgiving Point's $2 Tuesday in August, I started a week early and stretched this week over 2 weeks to give me more time to prepare for the next lesson. My little guy loves me to read him books, so I check picture books out from the library as a huge part of my curriculum. A website I refer to is: Each day we talk about what day of the week it is and what the weather is like outside to start off preschool.

Tuesday: Dinosaur musuem (1 hr-hey, it was crowded)

Thursday: (Less than 1/2 hr)

Read: My "d" Sound Box by Jane Belk Moncure (We love these books)

Danny and the Dinosaur by Syd Hoff

Albert Goes Hollywood by Henry Schwartz

Make "D" shape out of blocks

Color "D" coloring page found at:


Read: My "d" Sound box again

Archie the Ugly Dinosaur by M. Christina Butler

ABC T-Rex by Bernard Most

Make "D" shaped sugar cookies (or leftover uncooked pie crust) with cookie cutters

(could use playdough, rolling it into snakes)


Read: My "d" Sound box again

A Dinosaur named after me by Bernard Most

Dawdle Duckling by Toni Buzzeo

Sing "6 little Ducks"

Write "D" page found at:

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