Monday, October 27, 2008

Masaman Chicken

1 can coconut milk
2 TBS Masaman paste
4 TBS sugar
1/2 TBS Tamarine paste (liquidy-watch out)
1/4 C water
3 TBS peanut butter (mild) or Bangkok Padang Peanut Sauce (spicy, but good)
1 boneless, skinless chicken breast, raw, cut in bite-sized pieces
4 small/medium potatoes, peeled and cut into small bite-sized pieces
1/2 yellow onion
cashews (optional, I left these out)

Mix first 6 ingredients in pot (everything's going in it, so it might need to be big...allow stirring room). Once it's boiling, add rest of ingredients. Boil at least 10 minutes so the chicken will be cooked all the way through. Make sure potatoes are done too. (I cooked my potatoes separately because I was afraid they wouldn't be done quick enough. But I cut them smaller and I think they would have been fine in the mixture. Next time I'll try cooking the potatoes in the mixture...I just have to get some coconut milk.) Serve over rice.

*Thanks Jenny for this recipe! It tastes like Bombay house and was really easy. The down side is there are 4 ingredients that you wouldn't normally have in your fridge. The good thing is 3/4 have plenty making this multiple times.

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